Introduction to high current circuit board design
In some cases, the layout and safety considerations involved in high-current board design are similar to those in high-voltage design, especially when we consider safety.
In some cases, the layout and safety considerations involved in high-current board design are similar to those in high-voltage design, especially when we consider safety.
The function of PCB design is to standardize the design operation, improve the production efficiency and improve the quality of electronic products.
Now PCB design time is shorter and shorter, smaller and smaller board space, higher and higher device density, extremely demanding layout rules and large size components make designers
How to improve SMT SMT processing efficiency: first, advance work preparation, second, ensure the SMT SMT machine running time balance, third, equipment operating parameters
Avoid running digital clock lines and high frequency analog signal lines near the power layer; otherwise, the noise from the power signal will be coupled to the sensitive analog signal.
Even many electronic design engineers are confused. This material will provide a brief and intuitive introduction to characteristic impedance, hoping to help you understand the rather basic qualities of transmission lines.
Fanyi PCB design Company to military quality PCB design requirement PCB design can not be arbitrary, there are certain rules. Fanyi circuit military quality PCB design has the following requirements
Wiring is generally divided into three levels: one is the layout, which is the most basic requirements of PCB design, the second is to meet the electrical performance, which is the standard to measure whether the circuit board is qualified. Three is beaut
Polygon filling deviation usually occurs when polygon plating copper on multi-grid circuit boards. While it does not have a standard based on a single grid, it can provide service beyond the required life of the boards.
Circuit board design required data: 1. Circuit diagram, necessary, 2. Circuit consumption power calculation, not necessary, 3. Circuit diagram Electrical list, not required, 4. Component table, required, 5. Circuit board design drawing, required, 6. Circu
Circuit board design and production process: 1. Preparation of production materials, 2. Circuit board production and manufacturing, 3. Production and design
When selecting circuit board components based on component packaging, the following needs to be considered: component packaging selection. Grounding methods. Virtual component packaging. Verify complete material list data. Sort. Excess gate circuit.