Professional PCB manufacturing and assembly
Building 6, Zone 3, Yuekang Road,Bao'an District, Shenzhen, China


​ How do PCBA processing plants purchase components?

How should PCBA processing plant do a good job in component procurement: 1. PCBA component procurement channels; 2. PCBA component quality control; 3

What is the 01005 process? Why is 01005 process expensive in PCBA processing?

It is mainly because the thin welding paste is more likely to form a larger cavity, or the thickness gap of the weld is too small, leading to the volatiles of the welding machine more difficult to discharge through this "channel", so that the pr...

The effect of welding method on tin penetration of PCBA was analyzed

The most important steps in SMT patch processing are summarized as seven steps: first, graphic alignment, second, Angle of scraper and steel mesh, third, scraper force, fourth, printing speed, fifth, printing gap, sixth, separation speed of steel mesh and

How does PCBA proofing reduce casting rate

The cost is reflected in four aspects of assembly: 1, auxiliary materials: tin paste, tin strip, flux, UV glue, through the furnace fixture, 2, smt patch processing, 3, DIP plug-in after welding hours, 4, assembly test: test fixture, test equipment, test

PCBA processing reflow welding and wave welding difference

In the through-hole PCBA assembly technique, the component is inserted into the drilled hole and a strong solder joint is formed by wave soldering. Usually, through - hole components are inserted manually

Causes of virtual welding in PCBA processing

The reasons for the appearance of virtual welding in PCBA processing are as follows: 1. Oxidation of pad and component pins; 2. Less tin; 3. The temperature is too high or too low, 4 welding paste melting point is low, 5, solder paste quality problems

PCBA processing workshop environment and personnel requirements

PCBA processing on the workshop environment specific requirements: one, temperature, humidity requirements, two, ventilation capacity, three, power requirements, four, electrostatic protection requirements

PCBA batch processing success of the four secrets

PCBA batch processing success of the four secrets: one, planning in advance, two, looking for suppliers, three, evaluation of capacity and capacity, four, trust your suppliers

PCBA processing requirements for PCB board

PCBA processing requirements for PCB board; 1, PCB size,2, PCB board side width,3, PCB bending,4, PCB board Mark point,5, PCB welding pad

PCBA processing technology of the four links

The process process of PCBA can be roughly divided into four main links: SMT patch processing →DIP plug-in processing →PCBA testing → finished product assembly

PCBA processing process

According to the welding pad surface treatment classification: organic weldability protection layer (OSP), nickel metal leaching (ENIG), nickel palladium leaching (ENEPIG), silver Immersion silver, tin immersion.

Exploration on Industrial PCBA Assembly Process of R&D Enterprises (I)

Laser marking technology, as a modern precision machining method, has unparalleled advantages compared with traditional machining methods such as machine labeling, manual labeling, inkjet coding and printing.

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